
Being positioned between the temperate climates of the south-east and the tropical climes of Queensland, Bundaberg is an extremely biodiverse region of the east coast, featuring over 8 major habitat types, from sub-tropical rainforest and brigalow to wetlands and coral reef cays, and ~200+ bird species to go with it. However, it's not just the birdlife; Bundaberg also boasts the largest concentration of nesting sea-turtles on the east coast. My aim is to share snippets of Bundaberg birding as well as reports from my birding trips further afield.

Eastern United States - Jan 2014

Hello again,

I went with my family to the US in January 2014, visiting New York, Washington DC and Baltimore county. I tried my best to capture one of those iconic photos of Central Park. Also, here is some Wood Ducks (the real ones) and a Ring-necked Duck from the reservoir. There were also American Coots, Ruddy Duck, Hooded Merganser, Mallard, Pied-billed Grebe, Ring-billed Gull, Herring Gull, Great Black-backed Gull on the water as well.

Central Park

What's known as "the Ramble" provided my first opportunity to see some woodland birds... Woodpeckers, White-breasted "nutty" Nuthatches, Brown Creeper etc. The feeders (cheat birding) attracted the House Finches, Fox Sparrows and an over-wintering Baltimore Oriole... and apparently, if it was quiet at the feeders, the Cooper's Hawk was around! Also, "Bob the birder" showed us where the resident Long-eared Owls were, which was fantastic.

Ring-necked Duck - Central Park

Arlington Cemetery (Wash. DC) was a nice place to wander around... bird-wise, of course. The infamous Red-tailed Hawk pair were hanging around, as well as an American Kestrel, which spectacularly pursued a passing grackle. other highlights were Song Sparrow and Dark-eyed Junco. After that, the birding more like squirrel, robin jay, jay, jay, robin, robin, squirrel...

Wood Ducks - Central Park

I knew I had to take some photos to share... and the easiest way was near the feeders next to the window (took the camera outside, and the batteries would go flat). Among the feeder birds were Northern Cardinal, Tufted Titmouse, Downy and Red-bellied Woodpecker, Northern Flicker and Carolina Wren. I thoroughly enjoyed my time in the US and definitely hope to go back for more birding.


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